Friday, August 10, 2012

Woman at the dwell!


  1. Thank you, Angie. These words are so true. In the evening I especially battle the "what if" dwellers; but in the quiet of the night, I ask the Lord to quiet my soul, my thoughts, and inhabit my being. That's known as "taking captive my thoughts." It's hard at times, but it is possible. Thankful for His mercy and grace! Love you and proud you. You're such a wonderful daughter-in-love!

  2. Whew! What a powerful reminder of the giants we face in the "what if's!" I loved this and the accountability it calls me to, so that I will not be driven by the winds of the powerful nation, imagination! Thank you Angie :) Reminds of the reassurance I am given that if He clothes the lilies of the field and feeds the birds of the air, how much more will He do for me as His child.
